Konnichi wa, fellow otakus and fan girls...(-.- GOD, I'm hopeless...) Since
tripod screwed up again, and i couldn't remember the password to my other account with the other website on it...I made a
new one!!! Heehee!!! Chance is, that if you're here, you're either:
A) As hopeless as i am
B) Have nothing better to do
C) I TOLD you to come here
or D) You know who I am so you just clicked the damn thing...
What you SHOULD be hearing is Sora Mimi KEEKI (Imagination Cake...?
Special Hearing Cake...? Fancy Hearing Cake (that's what they had in the credits, but i still don't know...)...Ear-Playing-tricks-Cake)
from Azumanga Daioh by Oranges and Lemones. Wierd show...wierd song...wierd artists...(I know I said I
wasn't a rock person, but I'll do J-pop and J-rock...and I LOVE this song.) On da website, you will find
a WHOLE MESS of pictures and stuff...uhhh...yeah....so...drool to your hearts desire!! ^_~ HELL! I'll even try
to put different songs on the home page every now and then! (Note: This site will be under construction...a LOT.)